Auto Insurance and Other Drivers: Who is Covered?

Auto Insurance and Other Drivers: Who is Covered?

You don’t have to think hard to imagine a situation in which somebody other than you might need to drive your car. Your neighbor’s car has a flat tire and he’s late for a doctor’s appointment. Your visiting niece breaks a fingernail and MUST get to the beauty shop. You[Read More »]
Car Sharing and Car Insurance

Car Sharing and Car Insurance

A new trend in private transportation is car sharing. This is very popular in metropolitan areas such as New York City, Boston, and Seattle. This provides urbanites with a way to have use of a car for those occasions when one is needed for a shopping trip. This avoids them[Read More »]
Who Holds Insurance Protection During a Test Drive?

Who Holds Insurance Protection During a Test Drive?

Test-driving a vehicle is expected during the car-buying process. It’s rare that a buyer would purchase a car without first driving it. But who is responsible if someone test-driving a vehicle is involved in an accident? Rarely does a car shopper consider this risk when test driving vehicles. It is[Read More »]